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Pet sitters care for a pet when the owner can't be there. Whether you have a work commitment, a vacation or anything else, a pet sitter will provide care for your pet making sure they are fed, have fresh water, have the opportunity to go to the bathroom and get some exercise. Pet sitters can look after your pet in the owners home, their own home or pay daily visits to check in on a pet.
All of our pet sitters set their own prices which you will on their listing, however the average price is typically $25 a day on average and around or $40 for overnight stays.
Each Sitter must sit the online pet care training course created by RSPCA Vets. Once they have completed the course, their profile will display an accredited badge. Professional Pet Sitters are trained by a recognised industry pet care course. They are experienced in working with all types of pet types, breeds, and temperaments and will know how to tailor your pet’s care based on their unique likes, triggers, fears, and habits. PetCloud's Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers uphold the Animal Welfare 5 Freedoms that are internationally accepted standards of pet care that affirm every living being's right to humane treatment which are: