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Safe, low-volume, home-based, Doggy Day Care.

Very few of us have the luxury of being able to stay home with our pets. When we get home from a long day at work, most of us have little energy left to take the puppy on a long walk or play an extensive game of tug of war. When we do have time, we might not know how to socialise the puppy. Doggy day care can help with some of these issues and more.

What is doggy day care?

Doggy day care is day time care service for your dog in a Pet Sitter's home. Depending on the Pet Sitter you choose, you can also choose Puppy Day Care for younger dogs.

When is Doggy Day care useful?

During Road Trips During Road Trips

If you're on a road trip or staying at a caravan park with your dog and you have a non-dog-friendly spot to explore for the day.

Working Long Hours Working Long Hours

If you work long hours at an office and you own a solo dog prone to boredom or anxiety and loneliness.

Critical socialisation period Critical socialisation period

If your puppy is in the critical socialisation period (around 11-17 weeks) and has had all their core vaccinations.

What happens at Doggy Day Care?

It varies from Sitter to Sitter in a Home Based Environment, usually:

  • Supervision and cuddles
  • Ball throwing and fetching
  • Tug of war with a ball rope.
  • Sensory Stimulation through Scent trails
  • Enrichment Toys such as kong wobblers & snuffle mats
  • Doggy Naps
  • Some Sitters may have fenced pools and with the Owner's permission, and Sitter supervision, some dogs may be allowed to swim in summer to cool down.

Why put your dog or puppy in doggy day care?

1.      Socialisation
Socialisation is a vital part of a puppies' learning, development and wellbeing. According to the RSPCA Australia Knowledgebase, puppies have what is known as the 'critical socialisation period' from roughly 3 to 17 weeks of age.

2.      Mental health
Doggy Day Care can provide many different opportunities for mental stimulation: new sights, sounds, smells, friends to make, and games to play. This keeps their minds active and is a crucial element for overall health, wellbeing, and development.

3.      Separation Anxiety preventer/ management
Being cooped up inside alone all day and not knowing where their owner is, or when they are coming back can be very stressful on a puppy. Doggy day care may help to prevent or manage separation anxiety, as they will have lots of physical and mental activities to keep them stimulated and dogs and people to keep them company.

4.      Doggy day care can save you money in the long run
Doggy day care prices commonly range from between $20 to 50 dollars. Whilst this may seem expensive upfront, it's better to think of the long- term benefits. Puppies already have teething as an excuse to chew on everything in sight.

Don't tempt them anymore with being bored, alone, and afraid or you could find yourself replacing your furniture, clothes and more, which can become costly.

If they develop severe anxiety issues from being left alone all day, your puppy may need to be put on expensive medications just so they can function. So really, it's not only an investment in your savings, but also in your pet's health, wellbeing, and development.

Is Doggy Day care essential?

Yes. The RSPCA advises there is a 'critical socialisation period' between approximately 3 -17 weeks of age. However, your pup must have all core vaccinations prior to being exposed to other puppies, so this means your pup probably won't be able to start socialising until around 11 weeks after their vaccinations are all complete.

Does my Dog get lonely?

Any dog can suffer from separation anxiety. Certain breeds can also be more affected by being left alone—for example - working breeds, Labradors, Retrievers and Terriers. What is key is having two dogs of a similar size and similar temperament together.

Breeds particularly prone to anxiety about being alone include;

  • Toy Poodles and Mixed Poodle Breeds such as Cavoodles
  • Australian Shepherds.
  • Staffies
  • Chihuahuas
  • Bichon Frises
  • Italian Greyhounds
  • Malteses
  • French Bulldogs
  • Fox Terriers
  • Pomeranians
Is Doggy Day Care safe? The experience with a Doggy Day Carer through PetCloud is a secure, fenced grassy backyard with a maintained lawn, free of faeces, water bowls, and maintained garden in a private home. There is also adequate shade and soft areas to rest and sleep. Due to Council laws for home residences, unless the property is located in the outer suburbs and is much larger in size, most Councils state that only 2 dogs per home are allowed for care at any one time. When you join PetCloud, you'll be sent the RSPCA Property Checklist Guide: RSPCA Property Checklist Guide

Meet and Greets

Meet & Greets must always occur beforehand so that the Sitter and Owner can do a full Property Tour together to take joint responsibility by checking that it is escape-proof and hazard-free and to do a compatibility evaluation with the Sitter's own family (potentially young children), pets or another doggy day care guest. Doggy Day Care must always be supervised. Good Property Hygiene (poo patrol) and garden and lawn maintenance by the Sitter is a requirement.

We don't use Commercial Venues

Doggy Cay Care at a commercial venue, versus a home environment, are two vastly different experiences with very different Council laws and Codes of Practice, for good reason. Commercial Operators of Doggy Day Care Walk-in Centres are not advertised or booked through PetCloud. A doggy day care experience through a commercial venue covered by one ABC Journalist and it was described as a "Ticking time bomb" - Putting groups of multiple dogs and breeds of unrelated dogs together, is not something that would naturally occur and is deemed high risk.

Ensuring Safe Play Equipment and Environmental Enrichment

Environmental Enrichment
  • Play equipment must be durable and safe for dogs and easily cleaned and disinfected.
  • Toys used in exercise areas must be washed and disinfected weekly.
  • An inventory of all toys used must be kept and toys checked for broken pieces, sharp edges and any other damage.
  • Clearly defined inventory management on the number and types of toys used in the exercise areas must be documented.
  • All gates must be locked and cannot be opened spontaneously by Service people visiting the property.
Dog tags

Is my dog's breed suited to doggy day care?

It depends. Oodle type dogs — Cavoodles, Spoodles, Labradoodles, Groodles really enjoy doggy day care. Working dogs such as Kelpies are very intelligent and have a strong work ethic and like to be in control. There's not enough space for them to run around or tasks for them to do - unless the Sitter lives on acreage.

How much does doggy day care cost?

Booking an ongoing weekly program of care is the most affordable option. Prices for our value bundles are below.

Posting a Job - How does it work?

Posting a Job on our Pet Jobs Board is the Fastest way to connect with a local, insured, home-based Doggy Day Carer through PetCloud. This sends out an alert in a 25km radius and available Sitters apply. You are in full control and you get to view their listing before you indicate to your chosen Sitter that you'd like to meet up.

Customer Care

PetCloud's National Call Centre is run by RSPCA Qld so that you can be assured of full transparency and accountability. Best of all by booking through PetCloud you make an impact on the lives of People and Pets everywhere.


Even if your dog seems to be comfortable with being home alone all day, it's great for their development to change up their routine and give them a break from barking at the Postman and sleeping on the couch. Doggy daycare will be like a mini holiday!

How to book Doggy Day Care on PetCloud?


Find a Sitter Near You

Search for sitters in your area, read the reviews and select the best sitter for you.


Meet and Greet

Meet your chosen pet sitter for peace of mind.


Finalise Your Booking

Seamlessly book and securely pay using the PetCloud digital wallet.


Pack, Travel and Relax

Pack your bags, drop off your pet and relax knowing they are in the best care.

Police checked, insured, Doggy Day Carers nearby

Every booking makes an impact

Read more about the impact you make when you book doggy day care through PetCloud.

Short of time?

Post a job on our Pet Jobs Board and let Sitters get in touch with you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Doggy day care is day time care service for your dog in a pet sitter's home. Depending on the Pet Sitter you choose, you can also choose puppy day care for younger dogs.
It varies from sitter to sitter in a home based environment, usually:
  • Supervision and cuddles
  • Ball throwing and fetching
  • Tug of war with a ball rope
  • Sensory stimulation through scent trails
  • Enrichment toys such as kong wobblers & snuffle mats
  • Doggy naps
  • Some sitters may have fenced pools and with the owner's permission, and sitter supervision, some dogs may be allowed to swim in summer to cool down.

Socialisation - Socialisation is a vital part of a puppie's learning, development and wellbeing. According to the RSPCA Australia knowledge-base, puppies have what is known as the 'critical socialisation period' from roughly 3 to 17 weeks of age.

Mental health - Doggy Day Care can provide many different opportunities for mental stimulation: new sights, sounds, smells, friends to make, and games to play. This keeps their minds active and is a crucial element for overall health, wellbeing, and development.

Separation anxiety preventer/ management - being cooped up inside alone all day and not knowing where their owner is, or when they are coming back can be very stressful on a puppy. Doggy day care may help to prevent or manage separation anxiety, as they will have lots of physical and mental activities to keep them stimulated and dogs and people to keep them company.

Doggy day care can save you money in the long run - Doggy day care prices commonly range from between $20 to 50 dollars. Whilst this may seem expensive upfront, it's better to think of the long- term benefits. Puppies already have teething as an excuse to chew on everything in sight.

The RSPCA advises there is a 'critical socialisation period' between approximately 3 -17 weeks of age. However, your pup must have all core vaccinations prior to being exposed to other puppies, so this means your pup probably won't be able to start socialising until around 11 weeks after their vaccinations are all complete.
Any dog can suffer from separation anxiety. Certain breeds can also be more affected by being left alone, for example; working breeds, Labradors, Retrievers and Terriers. What is key is having two dogs of a similar size and similar temperament together. Breeds particularly prone to anxiety about being alone include;
  • Toy Poodles and Mixed Poodle Breeds such as Cavoodles
  • Australian Shepherds
  • Staffies
  • Chihuahuas
  • Bichon Frises
  • Italian Greyhounds
  • Malteses
  • French Bulldogs
  • Fox Terriers
  • Pomeranians

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