Doggy Daycare in Toowoomba, QLD

Police Checked and Insured Doggy Daycare in Toowoomba, QLD

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Connecting you with Pet Professionals...

How it works


Find a Sitter

Search for sitters in your area, read the reviews & enquire.


Meet and Greet

Meet your sitter & inspect the property for peace of mind.


Confirm the job

Seamlessly book & securely pay using our digital wallet.


Pack & Relax

Drop off your pet & relax knowing they are in the best care.

Or post a job and let available Dog Carers come to you...

This sends out an alert in a 25km radius and available sitters will come to you.

Book with Confidence

Safe Stays

Safe Stays

We help you book safe and secure pet stays.

Insured Sitters

Insured Sitters

Our insurance protects your wallet against potential big vet emergency bills.

Police Checked

Police Checked

We ensure all sitters are police checked.



Our website provides a written agreement for your services booked.

Trained Minders

Trained Minders

We provide RSPCA Accredited Pet Care Training to sitters and walkers.

Connecting you with Dog Carers in your area

PetCloud believes playtime is essential! That's why we bring you the best doggy daycare in Toowoomba. Say goodbye to bored, lonely pups and hello to happy, socialized dogs. Our network of experienced, loving caregivers offers stimulating daycare environments where your dog can thrive. Whether you work long hours, need extra support, or want your furry friend to make new pals, PetCloud's daycare services provide the perfect solution. We understand the joy of a tired, contented dog after a fulfilling day of fun!

Premium Doggy Daycare in Toowoomba with PetCloud

Imagine guilt-free workdays and stress-free errands, knowing your dog is having the time of their life at doggy daycare in Toowoomba! With PetCloud, you have access to RSPCA-accredited pet care professionals who prioritize safety, enrichment, and individualized attention. Our daycare providers offer supervised playtime with compatible canine companions, engaging activities, and cozy rest areas.  We go beyond basic dog-sitting in Toowoomba!  Need specialized support? Our NDIS partnership lets us offer NDIS pet boarding and even NDIS dog grooming in Toowoomba for tailored care that enhances your pet's well-being. PetCloud is dedicated to creating positive, enriching experiences for your furry friend.

Explore Trusted Doggy Daycare in Toowoomba with PetCloud

ing the right doggy daycare in Toowoomba shouldn't be a hassle. With PetCloud, you can easily browse comprehensive profiles of our verified and background-checked caregivers. Get to know their philosophies, experience levels, and the unique environments they provide before making your selection. We put transparency first because your peace of mind is essential. From pet sitting and dog walking to dedicated daycare and even NDIS-tailored services, discover why pet owners across Toowoomba trust PetCloud for unmatched pet care. Our commitment is to provide safe, stimulating spaces where dogs of all personalities can flourish.

Why Choose PetCloud for Your Pet's Care Needs?

Unleash your dog's playful spirit with PetCloud's doggy daycare in Toowoomba. Our caregivers are passionate about creating a fun, welcoming environment where your furry friend can burn energy, make friends, and learn valuable social skills. From work commitments to unexpected events, PetCloud has your back. Experience the difference today and witness the joy that exceptional doggy daycare in Toowoomba brings to your pup