House Sitters in Tweed Heads, NSW

Police Checked and Insured House Sitters in Tweed Heads, NSW

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Connecting you with Pet Professionals...

How it works


Find a Sitter

Search for sitters in your area, read the reviews & enquire.


Meet and Greet

Meet your sitter & inspect the property for peace of mind.


Confirm the job

Seamlessly book & securely pay using our digital wallet.


Pack & Relax

Drop off your pet & relax knowing they are in the best care.

Or post a job and let available House Sitters come to you...

This sends out an alert in a 25km radius and available sitters will come to you.

Book with Confidence

Safe Stays

Safe Stays

We help you book safe and secure pet stays.

Insured Sitters

Insured Sitters

Our insurance protects your wallet against potential big vet emergency bills.

Police Checked

Police Checked

We ensure all sitters are police checked.



Our website provides a written agreement for your services booked.

Trained Minders

Trained Minders

We provide RSPCA Accredited Pet Care Training to sitters and walkers.

Secure Escrow

Payment for Bookings before they begin is made into a PetCloud holding account. Funds are released by Pet Owners at the end of the booking.


Connecting you with House Sitters in your area

At PetCloud, we understand the profound bond between pets and their owners. That's why we offer an extensive array of pet care services to support your furry family members in Tweed Heads, NSW. With our commitment to providing high-quality, reliable pet services, PetCloud is the premier destination for house sitting, pet sitting, and comprehensive pet care solutions. Offering peace of mind to pet owners, we ensure that your pets are in the safest hands, whether you require NDIS dog grooming, NDIS pet boarding, or seeking RSPCA-accredited pet sitters in Tweed Heads, NSW. Our dedicated professionals are passionate about animals and equipped to offer the exceptional care and attention your companions deserve.

Discover the PetCloud Experience in Tweed Heads, NSW

For residents in Tweed Heads, NSW seeking the finest pet care, PetCloud is the go-to platform, offering a seamless connection to a network of devoted pet sitters and house-sitting services. Choose from a variety of services, including house sitting in Tweed Heads, which provides your pets with the comfort and routine of their home environment while ensuring your property's security. By promoting a consistent schedule and fostering an emotional sanctuary for pets, house-sitting minimizes stress and anxiety for both pets and owners, making it an invaluable service for these cherished members of your family.

Personalized Pet Sitting Services in Tweed Heads, NSW

Understanding that each pet is unique, our pet sitters in Tweed Heads, NSW customize their approach to suit individual needs, ensuring your pet feels loved and content in your absence. PetCloud embodies the spirit of personalized pet care, with meticulously matched pet-sitting experiences that mirror the nurturing environment of your home. Our pet carers are skilled in managing various requirements, and providing tailored activities and care protocols so your pets can thrive.

Why Choose PetCloud for Your Pet's Care Needs

In partnering with PetCloud for house sitting in Tweed Heads, NSW, or any other pet care service, you entrust your pets to a community of qualified, compassionate, and responsive caregivers. With PetCloud by your side, you can rest assured that your pets are cared for not just adequately, but with the love and dedication they deserve. Experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing your pets are happy and secure – join the PetCloud family today.