Dog Walkers in Bairnsdale, VIC

Police Checked, Insured, and Local

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Connecting you with Pet Professionals...

How it works


Find a Sitter

Search for sitters in your area, read the reviews & enquire.


Meet and Greet

Meet your sitter & inspect the property for peace of mind.


Confirm the job

Seamlessly book & securely pay using our digital wallet.


Pack & Relax

Drop off your pet & relax knowing they are in the best care.

Or post a job and let available Dog Walkers come to you...

This sends out an alert in a 25km radius and available sitters will come to you.

Book with Confidence

Safe Stays

Safe Stays

We help you book safe and secure pet stays.

Insured Sitters

Insured Sitters

Our insurance protects your wallet against potential big vet emergency bills.

Police Checked

Police Checked

We ensure all sitters are police checked.



Our website provides a written agreement for your services booked.

Trained Minders

Trained Minders

We provide RSPCA Accredited Pet Care Training to sitters and walkers.

RSPCA Support

RSPCA Support

RSPCA-run National Customer Support.

|   TrustScore 4.5   |   Write a review

Connecting you with Dog Walkers in your area

ing the perfect dog walker in Bairnsdale has never been easier, thanks to PetCloud. This comprehensive service connects pet owners with Dog Walkers Bairnsdale, ensuring your furry friend receives the quality walk that keeps him happy and stressless. Whether it’s a daily walk, long-term sitting, or help with training, PetCloud offers a personalized and secure solution for pet owners. Their commitment to safety, training, and personalized care sets them apart in the world of pet services.

Why Choose PetCloud Dog Walkers for Your Canine Companion?

PetCloud Dog Walkers stand out from "other" Dog Walkers by providing police-checked, responsible, and insured services. Supported by RSPCA Qld's Customer Support Line, they ensure the safety and well-being of dogs by not allowing off-leash activities in public spaces, avoiding walking dogs on heat, and preventing exercise during hot hours. Additionally, they refrain from taking dogs to dog parks to minimize the risk of fights and offer personalized walks instead of group outings.

Ensure your dog enjoys the best care and companionship while you're away. Click the button below to connect with a trusted PetCloud Dog Walker in Bairnsdale today, and take the first step towards a happier, healthier pet.

What Makes PetCloud the Top Choice for Pet Care in Bairnsdale?

At PetCloud, we understand the importance of providing a safe and comfortable environment for pets. That's why our pet sitters adhere to strict safety protocols, including avoiding public spaces and limiting outdoor activities during extreme weather conditions. In addition to ensuring your pet's physical well-being, we also prioritize their emotional and mental well-being. Our pet sitters and dog walkers provide one-on-one attention.


In Bairnsdale, dog owners no longer need to worry about ing reliable and skilled doggy care and walks. PetCloud brings together a network of RSPCA Accredited Pet Sitters Bairnsdale and professional dog trainers, offering peace of mind and exceptional care for your beloved pet. Whether you’re looking for Dog Walkers Bairnsdale or in need of a caring sitter for your pet while you’re away, PetCloud ensures your furry friend is in safe, loving hands.

the perfect pet care solution in Bairnsdale with PetCloud. Click below to connect with our expert team of pet caregivers today.