Home business
We love dogs, in all shapes and sizes. We work from home in our own consulting business, we have three grown-up kids and, up until recently, our beloved furbaby Stella, a beautiful 13 year-old Beaglier (who was like child #4 to us). We raised Stella from a puppy and she was a massive part of our lives. We are confident caring for all ages of dogs and, if required, we are confident giving medication to dogs, as well. We live in Vermont in a dog-friendly home that backs onto a large park.
Sandra and I both work from home and so there is someone at home 95% of the time to keep your dog company. We have a secure fences and a backyard that backs onto a large park with many good dog-walking trails. We have no other pets and adult children who come and go.
We are experienced dog-lovers having had, until last year, our own beaglier for 13 years.
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