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Puppy School: A Fun and Essential Start for Your Furkid

Puppy School: A Fun and Essential Start for Your Furkid

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting experience, but it also comes with great responsibility. 

Early obedience training at Puppy School and Puppy Day Care socialisation is the number one best thing you can do to establish a great relationship with your puppy for their lifetime. 

Training while they are young will decrease problem behaviour, reducing your stress levels, and will help you to communicate with them in a way that they understand, ensuring you will raise a well-behaved and socially competent dog.

What is the best age to start puppy school?

The best age to start puppy school is typically between 8 and 17 weeks. This age range allows your puppy to be receptive to learning, socialising with other dogs, and developing good behaviour habits. Early training sets the foundation for a well-rounded and obedient adult dog.

What puppy vaccinations are required to attend puppy school?

When you enrol your puppy in puppy school. they will most likely still be in the process of getting all their vaccinations. Before enrolling your puppy in puppy school, they need to have at least had 1 out of 3 of their core vaccinations.

6-8 weeks: First vaccination (around the start of puppy school)
10-12 weeks: Booster vaccination
14-16 weeks: Final puppy vaccination

Core vaccinations such as rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and adenovirus are typically required. Check with your local veterinarian to ensure your puppy meets the necessary vaccination requirements for attending puppy school.

Is it a good idea to go to puppy school?

Absolutely! Puppy school offers numerous advantages for both you and your furry friend. It provides structured training sessions led by professional trainers who specialise in canine behaviour. Puppy school not only teaches basic commands like sit, stay, and come but also focuses on socialisation, leash manners, and problem-solving. Additionally, puppy school allows your puppy to interact with other dogs, helping them develop vital social skills and preventing future behaviour problems.

What is the average cost of puppy school?

On average, you can expect to pay between $100 and $600 for a basic puppy school program.  The cost of puppy school can vary depending on factors like location, duration of the program, and the services included. Some puppy schools offer packages that include multiple training sessions or additional services, which may cost more.

Where is the best puppy school near me?

Finding the best puppy school near you can be a rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. Start by researching local options and consider factors such as: 

  • reputation
  • certifications of the trainers
  • class sizes
  • training methods used (look for positive reinforcement)
  • customer reviews

Seek recommendations from friends, family, or your veterinarian to find a reputable puppy school that aligns with your training goals.

How do you train a puppy easily?

Training a puppy requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Here are a few tips for easy puppy training:

Start with basic commands: Begin with simple commands like sit, stay, and come. Use treats and praise as rewards when your puppy follows the command correctly.

Be consistent: Establish a routine and stick to it. Consistency helps your puppy understand what is expected of them and accelerates the learning process.

Use positive reinforcement: Reward your puppy with treats, praise, or playtime whenever they exhibit good behaviour. This creates a positive association and motivates them to repeat the desired actions.

Keep training sessions short: Puppies have short attention spans, so keep training sessions brief (around 10-15 minutes) and engage them in playful activities afterward.

Avoid punishment: Never use physical or harsh punishment methods as they can cause fear and anxiety in your puppy, hindering the learning process.

How do you toilet train a dog?

Toilet training, also known as housebreaking, is an essential aspect of puppy training. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Establish a routine: Take your puppy outside to the designated toileting area at regular intervals, such as after meals, naps, and playtime.

Praise and reward: When your puppy eliminates in the right spot, offer enthusiastic praise and a treat. Positive reinforcement helps them understand that toileting outside is desirable.

Supervise and limit access: Keep a close eye on your puppy indoors, and confine them to a small, puppy-proofed area when unsupervised. Gradually expand their access to the house as they become reliable with their toilet training.

Recognize signs: Learn to recognize your puppy’s signs of needing to go, such as sniffing, circling, or whining. Promptly take them outside to avoid accidents indoors.

Clean accidents properly: If accidents happen inside, clean the area thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner (cleaning vinegar) to remove any lingering scent that may encourage your puppy to repeat the behaviour.

Puppy school offers a valuable opportunity to train and socialise your new furry family member. By starting training at the right age, using positive reinforcement techniques, and providing proper toilet training, you can set your puppy up for a lifetime of good behaviour.

Remember to ensure your puppy’s vaccinations are up to date before enrolling them in puppy school. With the right approach and guidance, your puppy will thrive and grow into a well-behaved and happy adult dog.

Note: The information provided in this article is intended for general knowledge purposes. Always consult with a professional veterinarian or dog trainer for personalised advice and guidance regarding your specific puppy’s needs.

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