None of us ever plan to have an accident or become unwell, so the need for someone to quickly step in and look after a pet can take us by surprise.
Whether you have a scheduled hospital stay coming up, live in Aged Care, or a live in a Retirement Village, or are going through Work Cover Rehabilitation after a work-related accident and don’t have anyone who is able to help out at that time, consider your local Professional Pet Sitter on PetCloud. They can even provide pet care support during respite.
PetCloud is a national, NDIS registered provider and is the only pet sitting service to be partnered with RSPCA Qld and allows Pet Owners able to search for loving police checked Sitters in their local area.
PetCloud’s website and app also enables Pet Owner’s to store an online Pet Profile with helpful information for Carer’s such as:
- Your Pet’s Feeding Plan
- Pet’s Daily Exercise Schedule
- Pet’s Vaccination History
- Any special needs
- Pet’s Identification
- Pet’s Medication
The PetCloud website and App (screenshots below) also enables you to securely keep in contact with your chosen Pet Sitter through messaging and sharing daily photos and wellness/activity reports.
If you are an NDIS Participant, there are certain circumstances where the NDIS will fully pay for assistance, so long as its in line with your goals and is an ancilliary to a main disability support. So if you would like to get a free quote, just connect with our friendly NDIS Booking Coordinator.
PetCloud has been running since April 2015 and has thousands of Pet Sitters across Australia. All bedding and food is supplied by you as the Owner.
If you are running low on pet food, you can order it through RSPCA’s online pet store website World for Pets and have it delivered to the Sitter’s home. Best of all, 100% of profits go back to supporting pets in need.
PetCloud has gained it’s reputation as Australia’s most trusted pet sitting website through doing:
- Mandatory Police Background Checks of all Pet Carers
- Pet Accident insurance cover up to $5M for all bookings
- National Service and Customer Support
- RSPCA Backyard Checklist
- RSPCA Accredited Animal Care Training for Pet Carers
- NDIS Training for Pet Carers assisting NDIS Participants
If you are a Pet Owner in Aged Care, Hospital, or in an Institution, let us help you today. We’ve even been known to bring the occassional pet to hospital wards 😉

Find local Vets, store your Pet’s Health, etc, download PetCloud today.
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