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How Do I Get My Puppy To Sleep Through The Night?

How Do I Get My Puppy To Sleep Through The Night?

Your gorgeous new fur baby is bundles of fun but is waking you up at all hours of the night, so how do you get your puppy to sleep through the night.

Justin Jordan from Jordan Dog Training says one of the most common questions he gets about new puppies is how do I get my puppy to sleep through the night when they wake up at 3:30am wanting to play.

There are many reasons why a puppy won’t sleep through the night but Jordan shares with us the most common issue and how to resolve them.


“We find the most common issue is that people are allowing the puppy to go to sleep straight after it has had dinner around 6pm,” Jordan says.

“The challenge with this is that the puppy will normally happily sleep until you go to bed at 10:30pm or so, you will wake the puppy up and take it for its mandatory toilet break before it goes to bed for the rest of the night.”

While this may seem like a good plan, Jordan says this technique is how potential problem can arise.

“The puppy has now already had 4 to 5 hours sleep and you are now expecting it to go back to bed and sleep for another 8 or 9 hours,” Jordan says  

“Although a puppy will generally sleep for 16 to 18 hours a day, this obviously won’t be in one stretch.”


Jordan suggests altering your puppy’s body clock by keeping them active or awake until you are ready to go to bed will give you a more restful night.

“The puppy’s sleeping pattern will then be more in sync with yours, and it will be more likely to sleep through until 7am,” Jordan says.

“Be mindful that several other factors may be contributing to the problem.”


Is the sun coming into the puppy’s room and waking it up?

Is it a quiet room where puppy is sleeping, or are there neighbours or birds nearby that might be waking the puppy?

Is the puppy’s room too big? Dogs are den animals, so the smaller the area they have to sleep in, the safer and more secure they feel.

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