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World Largest Dog Breeds: Meet the Mastiff Dog Breed Group

World Largest Dog Breeds: Meet the Mastiff Dog Breed Group

If you have a time and money to dedicate to maintaining and feeding this head-turning group of Mastiff dog breeds, then these types of dogs might be for you, find out and see…

Breed Snapshot

•   Size: Large breed. They can weigh anywhere from 60 to 100kgs and can be between 70 to 80 cm tall.

•   Coat: Moderate shedders. They have a double-layered short coat that needs to be brushed regularly.

•   Energy: Moderate energy level. They should be walked one to two miles per day.

•   Lifespan: 6 to 10 years

•   Country of Origin: England

•   Breed Type: Descendants of the Old English Mastiff, this breed is highly intelligent, loving, and compassionate. They require an owner who is able to speak to them in a loving a calm voice

•   Great Breed For: Large Property or Apartments


What is a Mastiff?

Mastiffs are extremely large dogs that can have aloud bark and a muscular body. Many people are intimidated by the Mastiff when they first see them. However, these gentle giants have a loveable personality and are extremely loyal to their family members.

The Mastiff originates from England and can be traced all the way back to the first century. Their protective instincts make them a great guard dog. The Mastiff is a very courageous dog that is also very friendly once they get to know you.

What Does the Mastiff Look Like?

The Mastiffs are massive dogs that can weigh more than a full-grown man. They have a broad round head that features loose skin around the forehead and jowl areas. They have a tall, muscular body that is covered in a short and thick layer of fur that usually fawn or apricot colour. Their wide muzzles and low-hanging ears help them to look a little less viscous and a little more friendly.

What Makes the Mastiff Special?

Mastiffs are strong and intelligent dogs. They are very loving towards their family members and will fiercely protect the ones that they love. They can be wary of strangers at first, so it is best that you slowly introduce them to new people. One of the reasons why these dogs are so popular is because once a Mastiff has decided that they like you, they will be loyal to you for life.

How Often Should I Groom My Mastiff?

Mastiff’s short coat is easy to maintain. You should brush your dog’s coat with a soft-bristle brush once or twice a week. They are very prone to shedding, and during their shedding periods, you may have to comb through their coat once or twice a day.

Mastiffs should be bathed regularly and special attention should be focused on the wrinkles on their head and you should regularly check their muzzle to make sure there is no dirt or debris buildup that can cause irritation and infection.

They should also get their nails trimmed every two weeks to ensure that they do not grow too long and become uncomfortable.

How Often Should I Walk My Mastiff?

While Mastiffs do require some exercise, they do not need an excessive amount. They are happy to live in an apartment and go for a leisurely walk with their owner for about thirty minutes a day. When they are puppies, they will have more energy and want to run around and play for long periods of time. However, it is important that you do not let your puppy overdo it when it comes to exercise. Mastiff puppies can overheat and become overtaxed quite easily. So, you will want to keep their exercise to a minimum, especially if they are under three months old.

How do I train my Mastiff?

Mastiffs are intelligent dogs that are able to master new skills quite easily. They also get bored easily, so try not to engage in too much repetition during training. They should be talked to in a firm but loving voice. They are sensitive dogs and get their feelings hurt quite easily. Try not to use any harsh or aggressive tones when talking to them and always reward good behaviour with treats and lots of praise.

Quickfire Questions

How long will my Mastiff live?

Mastiffs have a shorter life expectancy than other smaller breeds. Most Mastiffs will live to be about 6 to 10 years old.

Can My Mastiff be left at home alone all day?

Mastiffs are independent dogs that are happy to guard your home while you are away. However, adolescent Mastiffs are known to have a lot of energy and tend to get bored easily. So, if your Mastiff is under a year old, it is a good idea to have plenty of toys and activities available for them while they are home alone.

What Kind of health risks do Mastiffs have?

Mastiffs have been known to suffer from a wide range of ailments such as cardiac disease, hip dysplasia, eye dysplasia, seasonal allergies, and even cancer. Like many other large breeds, the Mastiffs are also susceptible to getting bloat, which is a potentially life-threatening condition in dogs. If you notice that your dog’s stomach is enlarged, sensitive to touch, or they are salivating more than usual, contact your vet right away.

Do Mastiffs bark a lot?

For the most part, Mastiffs are calm and mellow dogs. However, they are also extremely protective. If they think that they sense any danger, they are quick to let out a deep and loud bark to alert their family of the potential danger. The bark will continue for as long as the “threat” is there, and once they are satisfied that everything is safe, they will quickly calm back down.

Is the Mastiff a Good Dog for Me?

Mastiffs are loveable and protective dogs. While they love to be around their family, they do not require their families to change their daily lives or adjust their schedules. They also do not require a big yard or need to go on long walks. However, with all large breeds, Mastiffs eat a lot of food and it can be quite expensive to feed them. They are also susceptible to various illnesses which could become costly over time.

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