First impressions last! Did you know it only take 7 seconds when first meeting someone to form a first impression?
Here are some tips on how to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward when meeting pet sitting clients.
- Tidy the garden, pull out weeds, rake up fallen tree branches, nuts and berries, grass clippings, and leaves.
- Mow the lawn. Jim’s Mowing might be handy if you don’t have a mower.

- Pull back the curtains, open some windows, let the light in or turn lights on
- Tie up Pets and introduce them slowly to any visiting pets.
- Introduce pets slowly
- Ask children to sit quietly or play outside for the meeting.
- Sweep and Mop the floor and wipe your benches.
- Have the Visiting Pet’s profile Printed and ready Or Refer to it on a tablet/iPad from your booking
- Turn down the tv, or put some nice music on
- Spray some Glen 20 around to neutralise any odours, burn any nice candles
- Empty your kitchen bins
- Clean your own pet’s food area and bowls. This will show the pet owner you have good standards of care

Be warm, friendly, and professional
- Use the Pets name and the Pet Owners Name
- Be a proactive listener, if the owner asks a question, paraphrase any concerns back to them and say “So what you’re saying is you’re after someone who is home of an evening to keep your pet company – yes I am home.” (if you will be home).
- Smile
- Interact with the Pet by throwing a ball for them, patting them
- Ask About the Pets Care routine and any health, habits, and behaviour tendencies
- Talk about your experience and show knowledge of your nearest 24 hour emergency Vet
- Share any relevant animal or pet care qualifications
- Look and smell presentable. Casual clothes are fine.
- Boil the kettle – offer them a cup of tea, coffee or water
- Offer to take them through a tour of your Loungeroom, kitchen, and yard
- Ensure you tell the Pet Owner before meeting if you own other pets, and about any other visiting pets from bookings.

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